2 years ago

i rather continue working on the game since i've been doing great progress so far and i just can't wait to share it with you guys i know i haven't updated you for 3 months! but it'll be worth the wait i PROMISE i might drop a alpha demo after 2 months :P

BUT Words don't always speak to their promises. i'll try to update you with a video of the finished mechanics once a mechanic gets finished or some progress of the map.

and to make progress faster. i'll try to be effective this year. it's just college has been very hard hitting on my Life i'm trying my best guys ;-;

i've putting a whole lot of mind work on this game. just so it can be a unique amazing work ;)

and hope you are having good day out there. :3



Next up


I AM SHAKING! I am officially married!

Enjoy some 4K TEST renders of pl_pheonix from TF2

I was testing my engine's performance with this map and testing the addon PSA Atmosphere that creates these beautiful looking skies.

Finally my dream 4090 pc is here! I can finally cook MORE!

I wanna thank my grandpa very much for buying me this and my husband for being apart of my LIFE!!

here’s a smile for today 🫡

Been improving my engine a whole lot! Specially making the current renderer EEVEE more faster for low end systems! CPU times in blender are insane...

I've got it some what on par with modern engines! the original renderer used to run a heck a lot worse!

Sometimes I worry about chat... Also nice job on this art Hampter! Supreme Dictator Lord Danial Bloom-

Just finished working on my new version of my game engine very proud of it. right now I am working on Perceived REALITY my next big fnaf fan game can't wait to share MORE!

@hunterallen_ does music for the game! he's very talented! check him out!


We're live with an Art Show right now! Come say hello while it's fresh!


Okay me and the team been cooking for the game's concept and writing... And it's gonna be PEAK! The game is gonna be larger and better than the previous project! I am going creative with this one! see you soon!

(Current project title: Perceived REALITY)