10 months ago

I refuse to leave

*proceeds to return back to sleep over 10 times*

sketched a drawing of PS!Toriel and PS!Napstablook, the sketch looks a little boring, but it'll be fun to draw



Next up

Background will be fully black with the end result but since I prefer to sketch with black color it's grey for now


Might rephrase the third line in the textbox, it's difficult though


edit: Just ended up using instance_create_depth instead

Error Sans

Wtf the Can of Coke battle!!

nice idea originally but leads inevitably to the need of just follow-unfollow-follow loop without actual support to anyone


The other new quests are nice and give use to shop for example, but if any of the quests could be left out, this.

New intro

Messy sketches (finishing later? I'm trying to do homework but ideas...)

[article for a little more text]

(post cuz boredom, might remove later)

sold my soul for "screenshot to choose" two years ago

time for more sketches

An hour and a half doodle.. drawn with my finger cuz I lost my pen :(

I think it sucks but I will be brave and post it anyway

I was going to practise drawing hands but ended up drawing these
