The Sandman

        By Jude James

As tommy lay asleep in bed, he had a nightmare filled with dread, a strange man slipped into his house, almost as silent as a mouse, He went inside of his room, and the poor boy was certainly doomed, The strange man put sand in his eyes the boy woke up and started to cry, the strange man, made all up of sand, took the boy, then boy cried and held onto his toy, The Sandman Had took another victim, and it was game over for tommy, who is still crying, can you hear it? Just listen.



Next up

I wish for the ability to manifest 20 dollar bills whenever I want.

Not again 😭


(I’m allergic to pizza)

Flash low-key tweaking 😭 😭

Goodnight ladies, gentlemen, and arachnids, I shall see you once again tomorrow.

What tf am I doing awake 😭