Friday Night Funkin' Vs Cesar.EXE: The Ultimate Collection

1 year ago

i remade the dogshit lord c concept xD

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this looks rather doodoo. the arms were way too short when doing the last two so i made them tentacles

It hurts me that people still think gamejolt and moderators can read your dms and group chats..

i'm so sorry for all you silly billies..


I'LL MA- *ahem* sorry.

Rocky - A Fighting based monster

[he had a really old design but now it's a new one, sorta similar to og concept]

kill me.

- made in ms paint XD

remaking the burnt cesar concept

QA CesarPhanes Icons

I redraw piracy cesar in the mfin aggie io

Floral Snake [redesign]

CJ - Hog But Cesar

found out that hog is a bootleg so i made a bootleg cesar for it.

had the idea to actuall make the concept art pixel art.

like in the actual song. so i'm doing that now