2 years ago

I saw santegio fuckin' maul someone in a subway in germany

I was on vacation to germany btw



Next up

Looking good so far (working on page 2 of the ref sheet so far, which will be the turnaround sheet, page 1 will have info on the character, and page 3 will be misc stuff and shitposty stuff)

did this sonic has passed artwork, just thought it should be shown :D

More neon ref sheet stuff

a sighting of santiago's older brother: he was trying to kidnap children, samuel stopped him in time

Time travel: moves the chair The timeline:

I drew up my own design for tails doll Kinda inspired by the satam/aosth tails design, and that weird trend of drawing tails with blue shoes. EDIT: conicidently, the design looks similar to d-sides, so I changed it a bit and added an alt palette too.

Sonic art I did

found santiago's cousin running away from the police he is more dangerous than santiago and santiago's brother combined, if you see him, run

Defintiely not for the upcoming neon ref sheet