2 days ago

I see I was the chosen one :3



Next up

A little request from @shaidy with the pudgy yellow bear Fredbear <:D

The little Teddy is Shaidy's oc btw! Love drawing these two and if you wanna request something. Just shoot me a message. Remember to have a Faz-Amazing Day Everyone :]

Meet the Yellow Hare! Kinda took a 70s style once again. Worked on this guy back last month then lost motivation like how my Parents lost me in the Store then got it back!

Remember to have Faz-Amazing Day everyone :)

Banana Bear :)

Hope Your Day is Going Faz-Amazing :)

Don't Make me spell your name in my ABC Sopa >:]

Heya everyone, I know nobody cares but I'm unfortunately sick (Screw School like seriously) but anyways remember to have a Faz-Amazing Day and stay safe :]

Typically I use a normal pencil but now we 'Upgraded' to Red Color Pencil (Not impressive I know.)

Also this has some Week Before references so yippee!

Anyways have a Faz-Amazing Day Everyone :)

Hello everyone! Just wanted to say THANK YOU ALL!!! For the likes, comments, and follows. Truly do appreciate it and mean a lot to me, it really does. Just thank you again strangers :]

Remember to have a Faz-Amazing Day everyone :)

Wanna know a weird fact about me? When I have the time, I'll occasionally pretend I'm in a big meeting on my White board and in my little room.

Remember to have a Faz-Amazing Day :)

Meet the Pudgy, yet Mind bEnDiNG Yellow Bear! Or Fredbear up to you. Just made this guy like today after Springs.

Remember to have a Faz-Amazing Day everyone :)

So a week or 2 I went to this Roller Skate place thingy with family and of course I sat with my little sketch book and thought... what if FNaF had Roller Skates also in the 70s? So I gave them roller skates... yeah :)