Undertale: Mad Mew Mew Port

5 years ago

I still getting messages like "Android please", so...
I hope i'll finish it in July.

1. I'll recreate game in Godot Engine, instead of using Clickteam. Clickteam have a many limitations, which Godot doesn't have.
2. Let this serve as my little gift for you, cause my secret game will not be released soon.

(My english is still good, i know )




Next up

Oh yeah!

Used test graphic :\

Little update?


Oh yeah

And the winner is...

6 bg.

(It will be default bg in game, but you can choose other bg's in settings! Thanks @blugar for idea!)

By the way, in android version you can't login to GJ and use functions like shop, but android version size is three time lower than pc version.

it's JPEG screenshot, sry

Late update.