Super Smash Bros. MUGEN
1 year ago

I think its time to dust out this page! I'm going to upload frequent videos and announcements here along with the game's Discord server where you can meet the VA cast and team! You can join here!



Next up

We got something to show ya! This was uploaded on my YouTube channel, but I'm also going to upload them to here! Here's a look at a cutscene and gameplay! We got fully voiced cutscenes! More voice talents will be showcased soon!

Meet Rin (SuperCatPunch)! She's the voice of Shantae! While it's not "Cristina Vee" it's still very adorable and very fitting to the character! Shantae is the main protagonist in the game's Adventure Mode! Shantae is voiced by Rin:… Build 0.9.0 is out now! This is the 2nd beta build released! Note the game is still WIP. Info of this build is in the article. Download Steps:!Am85cYPTmYpZifMhuDyHnEqgcWKF6Q?e=6xKkfh

Sash Lilac cyclones in the roster! She's voiced by Zylaar Cross who did a phenomenal job of doing her voice! Enjoy the showcase!

Lilac is voiced by Zylaar Cross:

And we got more! Here's a showcase of Squigly voiced by my good friend and talented Voice Actress @Meg_TheLovableDork and Leviathan voiced by Swordtee40! Enjoy!

Heya! I wanted to show some gameplay progress i made so far. I hope you like it ^^

a drawing I did because I was bored😪. But I love how it turned out.😊

If you have more of an acquired taste, the restaurants in Niravasi have you covered! Maybe skip the salad bar, though.

If you’ve played the Vault demo and enjoyed it, please consider ‘liking’ the game page here on Gamejolt and/or leave a comment!

Also please consider tossing Vault on your Wishlist, I really appreciate your support!