19 days ago

I think this one fits pretty well after the last one


No AI! Send as Much as you want!! feel free to link stuff just add Images though.

yay this one is normal again lul

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I guess this could also be a toaster lul
Btw I'm not putting this into the comfort and help Community because I worry it might trigger people
Also I'm getting some of thrise ready when I have ideas for questions to ask so it's better for me to make this ^^ + it's fun so



Next up

I was meaning to clean today...

now I'm instead drawing a drawing for the #ArtWeeklies Have a #Wip. Wanna guess what it's gonna be?

One I been meaning to draw for a while now & AW just allowed me to make

I hope that it fits the theme but I believe it does

the #GasterBlaster's #Practice as well as the final one i used for @EJTHEDRAW 's drawing, they really hard to draw i must say ^^' #Undertale #practice #sketch

this is one of my #ClassMate's who ask me to #Draw them ^^

(#OldArt Btw) I'm not happy with how it turn out and back then i wasn't too happy with it as well.

for some reason the art before and the art after turned out a lot better than this.

I don't even think I had to edit this one but I ended up editing it anyway lul

But ye I still imagine it be kinda funny and weird to see someone miss gender me since I'm cisgender not transgender.

Cis meaning I'm the Gender, I was body wise born as.

So far so good? have to figure out how to draw the hair & such I guess. also what do you think of the outfit? Is it to bland or interesting enough? Drawing the red parts on the pants was a little difficult to do. So Idk if I should keep it or change it

the 3D city (badly made) for the 3 ArtWeeklie week