4 days ago

i tried to make a pixel art in a website named "Our World Of Pixel".

this image is the results.



Next up

oh, I see that the date of U.S.A independence is close, today is July 1st here, there are only 3 days left or so.

(I used the google translator to speak in this post to avoid any English mistakes.)

please, use fictional characters.

i tried to make a """""OC""""" based in The Grimm Troupe from Hollow Knight... here the results.

instead one answer...

i got three answers!


i made this character in picrew, probably gonna use as my pfp.


i thought that was a new sticker pack using coins... after some seconds i notice that was a new sticker pack using joltbux...

i really don't know what meme and/or fanart can be made with pokemon, so here this simple meme what have a gardevoir image, it was made using Imgflip.


Hollow Knight

the evolution of my usernames in 2021.

There are images making it simpler to understand, but if you still don't understand, the article has the meaning of the images, basically the usernames.

i discovered a "feature" in Mr. Whale (bot)