Stick Veterans
6 years ago

I used to play a lot of GTA: Vice City a while back.

The minigun was among my favourite guns.


Makes sense I would add it to my own game someday.


Eye-candy aside, I unfortunately do not have an update ready yet. In fact, it will be amazing if I have one ready before the year ends. This is for three reasons:

  • The game is in the middle of a rewrite. The multiplayer networking is currently unacceptable for anything other than LAN, so I am rewriting the entire network code. Also, I am working on implementing Unity’s latest optimizations, the most important of which will be multi-threading support (meaning the game will finally use more than 1 CPU core, meaning it will run much faster).

  • On top of the above, personal life and work have been hogging all my time again. I haven’t had enough time for gamedev in a while.

The third reason is that I have been working in parallel on an older project of mine. I happened to feel nostalgia for one of my old projects, Flashy Dansy. It’s a simple mini-game I had made for a gamejam some time ago, and I recently decided to update it.

In fact, I would be grateful if you guys checked it out. It’s completely free, like Stick Veterans, and available for Windows/Mac/Linux and Android.

Good thing is, things are a bit more relaxed in my life now, so I will use the chance to focus on Stick Veterans. I will keep you posted on its progress.

As a closing note, I want to thank you guys for playing SV, and especially for making and uploading maps. I make sure to check out and approve your maps as often as I can. I recently posted on my blog about one of the most contributing map makers, and I hope this will inspire you to join the map making community with renewed effort.

Until next time,




Next up

Version 0.9.3 Get your flamethrowers ready! New version is out, with the Flamethrower being the most notable addition. Test it out on the newly added map “Roofwalking”. We are eager to see it added in your own user-made maps!

Custom heads and helmets arriving on Stick Veterans this week.

Play the updated version online at

Another new version Version 0.9.2 is up, for real this time. Looks like I updated the description but forgot to finish the uploads. Let me know how you feel about that Map Editor!

The game's online multiplayer version is now globally available on Poki.

You can now hop into, play alongside other players, customize your look and cause chaos.

Thank you for your support. 🙏

No progress yet... but still going. Sorry for my absence, guys. Been inactive for the last 2 months. Your ongoing support and your new follows every day reminded me of why I made the game in the first place. I'll strive to not disappoint you.

New version 0.9.5 released Version 0.9.5 is now available to download, with most important additions being *smarter bots* and *colorful maps*. Download it and try out the new map *http://Outposts.ssm*!

New version 0.9.4 available New version out: 0.9.4 brings various additions to the game, including the *AK Rifle* and the *Striker Shotgun*. New maps that include these weapons will be uploaded later today!

Updated the chest in the maze, adding sound, particles and better animation. But what's in the chest?

"Our work is never over" they said.

Just a Pico sprite