6 months ago

I've been getting comments like "I want your mods.", "When is Granny 6: The Memories Gonna Come out?", "Where is The Twins 2?" and many more comments.. Come on guys I get it.. "We got you to 162 Followers Why can't you do us favor?" I'm trying.. ;(



Next up

Five Nights At Freddy's: The Deluxe Collection is pretty easy so far. I'm getting through the nights easily.

Hello! I'm @Gigs-The-Giggle ! Welcome to my profile! It's nice to meet you! If you didn't read the description I made a summary for you in the article! (Shoutouts will be in the article soon..) Q&A Is in the Shouts if you want to ask a question!

Credits To ShockedCreeper For This Video.

Here Is His Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@shockedcreeper


I know this isn't the original but this should give you an idea on what I mean by FNaF being easy. (I KNOW ABOUT THE DEATH TROPHIES DON'T MIND THEM. I WANTED TO MAKE MORE PROGRESS IN THE GAME.)

bro what
