Zara doesn't get her left eye blinded by Project, she gets blinded by passing out and hitting her left eye on the edge of a table while Zara was recovering when she joined The Murderlies.
Zara's mother name is now Carol, and she can try to a place called the in-between...She spends her time there with Roya and and her dead son.
The in-between is where both earth and heaven can be together as one, Zara usually goes there to see her dead brother Tycer and talks to Roya about things she's done.
Roya is a guardian who helps people and families that god assigns her to help with, Zara's Family is pretty bad...Her father killed her youngest brother, her mom is hidden from the city, her twin is killed and doesn't know about her death. And her other brother wanted to take their father's place in the police station...Roya can do so much but yet so little to help them. Roya knows it's better to help Zara, due to the promise Zara made after Tycer's death.