Rocket Shipment

6 years ago

I've now implemented a basic re-usable system for creating and closing screens.

This basic system will be used for the "load level" functionality I'm working on right now.

The next step is to populate this screen with a list of levels to choose from.



Next up

I used my meager gamedev earnings to fund a new trailer. What do you think?

Update v0.6.0: Improving player experience

Update v0.5.0 featuring new conveyor tiles

Release date has been set!

Devlog #074: Drones and locked gates

Releasing my game after more than 2 years of development

Rocket Shipment CHANGELOG v0.10.0 - Introducing new crates!

Update v0.8.0: Introducing powerups

Just released a free, educational game where you multiply and divide using the base10 system Try it out:

Update v0.7.0: Lowering difficulty