Ultimate BAKED Night
6 months ago

I wanted to show a little snippit of progress, so here's Wiggler! We loved the Ignited Bonnie mechanic from The Joy of Creation Story Mode's office segment, so Wiggler acts very similarly.



Next up

Alpha 2 is out! This build contains five more characters than the previous one. Why only 20 instead of 23? Well, truth be told, I wasn't going to release a build at all, but I feel like it's better to wait on the others.

Hey! I'm working on a new game and I've been wanting to share, but I'm waiting to get some more art done before making an actual page for it. Here's a little teaser for what I have so far.

The first build of the game is out, containing 15/30 characters!

As well as that, most of the art is finished so development will likely be speeding up for a little while.


Progress, progress, progress. Took a break for a couple days but still making progress!

Rat Race Production Update

A 2 minute gameplay showcase? You bet! Currently, there's 11 characters implemented with much more to be done soon.

Of course, much of the game is missing polish, this is a relatively early stage of development. Stay tuned!

#MostFearedMob Endermen. Always has been, always will be. #MinecraftBuild I tried to open Minecraft to show the build but it wouldn't open so here's a dramatic recreation.


Hey! I just released a goofy fan-game that was made in a week. It'd make my day (or, evening), if you played it!
