3 days ago

i was bored, so i made an template of it for fun

and it was requested by @DemoUnreal

you guys can request me something to draw, but read the article first as a rule for the request

request rule:

  1. no coppyright character, ik there is many that is not copyrighted yet, but i kinda don't wanna be drawing a character that is copyright, for example mickey mouse (ik that mickey mouse isn't copyright anymore but i wouldn't still draw the current design, only the oldest one as it isn't copyright anymore.

  2. no nsfw, meawhile i kinda draw a little suggestive style, i remain not doing nsfw content, as i don't wanna get into any problems with someone else

  3. meawhile you can request any character, atleast if it's a oc character from someone else, then atleast tell me who owns it, for example the boykisser is owned by Mauzymice, but i didn't credit it as not many people does that and it's underrated character throught furry/other fandoms.

  4. no offensive people requesting. Yeah it's make sense, please don't request me to draw offensive people, for example: person who caused 9/11, ww2/1 people, and many other that i could name

  5. and lastly. no complex character, meawhile i sometime draw an complex character accidentaly, it doesn't mean you should request any complex character, it's difficult for the artwork to be done, sometime i can draw fast as i write fast, but it doesn't mean i get the artwork done quickly, as i draw every detail as possible to be good.

  6. that's all, enjoy requesting me throught comments.



Next up

"we were succesful in a little time, but now EVERYTHING IS FAILLED OF SUCESS!"

request from: @samekplsno

"what a silly cube"

request from: @Haplindoezartz

character owned by: simon lachance

let's see if it work

(honest is allowed, i won't bite you head for choosing 1)

Axi x Demo so canon istg..

@BOXZEE x @DemoUnreal

teaser 1:

small gameplay of jovial hell

(!the bf and gf is placeholder for now!)

hello, for everybody who want to be in the mod, then it is the chance to be the one! and btw no word what to say, accept him to be in the mod pls iasdhgoiahorguiahorgiaoriegpaiwejrgqt34oierwutgbfw54obt6woe45bt6wie5rtwei5btwer-

comic by: ziffy

voiceover by: @NormanTheMemer

I was bored so i decided to make a fanart of truman from playtime with percy into halloween style

And happy halloween for everyone!