2 years ago

I was gonna start working on Scratch Adventure 2 beta 9/release 1.0 sooner if weren't for the fact that I've been busy with school and tracking Typhoon Mawar.



Next up

It's here. Five Nights with Fumos 2 in its full glory.

Stay away from her.

It's almost done.

I can no longer upload this game to the Scratch website...

Sometimes you ought to ask yourself "Am I seeing things?"

Welp. It's official.

It's finally here. I hope you guys enjoy Scratch Adventure 2!

The server rats were massive headaches, but the demo is finally out!

Dark Scratchy's canonical pronouns are it/its. Anyone referring to it with he/him pronouns is wrong (even the in-game characters themselves).

But it's not like it ever cared about that anyways...