5 months ago

i wasn't satisfied with the what google translate did to @Inverted_Minnie 's bio so i ruined it even more


Hello I'm Inverted_Minnie!

(Also known as Photo-Negative Minnie or PNMinnie or just simply Minnie or blah blah blah you get it)

I like doing FNaTI art, models, testing games and writing stories.

I'm Aromantic.

I suffer from slight apathy and compulsive lying.

Join my community!

Join my discord server! (Ask me to join because it sometimes does not work)

Google Translate

Hi, I'm Roald_Minnie.

(Active children will receive PN or Child Allowance)

I love FNAT art, patterns, games and stories.

I was very satisfied

You slept a false heka atam.

Please follow along!

Join our Explore Server! (Ask why you can’t work)

