15 days ago

i watched tadc episode 2, it was good, BUT I STILL HATE THE FUCKING FANDOM



Next up

not art but crossover #FanArtFriday #StarWarsArt

i remember when he reviewed baldi

dust but ugli

#dailydoseofangel day 12, angel rockin' a dress

leave suggestions on how to draw him next in the comments! <3

r/Crappyoffbrands is always good for making memes

#dailydoseofangel day 13, just random drawings of angel

i didn't feel super motivated to draw him today. i wasn't really happy with anything i sketched so i just put multiple in one drawing. hoping tomorrow i have more motivation!

bro, why do think everything is related to you, this has NOTHING to do with your grandpa

London 26

Charlie's Bizarre Adventure

no words