5 months ago

I would try to make this better by NOT making more games and just ending it in 1 game

also I would use a BETTER EXE name since the current one was stupid bro

I would do a lot of changes to it

I would listen to criticism unlike pawel

and more

actually fuck that you can't make it better

it's stupid funny and unoriginal just keep it I wanna see dumbasses support that game

1 comment


Next up

I made this thing i think

bro what


Scary hedgehog, I think

MoB / Untitled is lacking a GOOD writer and an artist who can actually design scary shit

which is exactly why we need you guys!

my discord : willyofficial

or just send me a friend request here if you want to apply

you wouldn't want this kind of fuck to come to you at night....

howdy! i'm here to announce that hasan works for MoB now hooray-

anyways uhh we recreated the title screen from S3&K

also yes MoB is using origins framework to provide accurate S3 gameplay and stuff.

It's just a dream...

okay how [ also sneek peek ig ]

[ i haven't even started development OR recruited team members yet. ]