8 months ago

idea for repainted for ink demon's death (original idea by @FoxT ) while he's dying he turns into into baby bendy concept bendy alpha bendy all the bendy designs he tries turning into beast bendy reaching out for your hand and then turns into dust



Next up

updated three channels cuz why not


"Alright, Campers, Today's Challenge Is To Find A Reason To Keep Going"

I made a title screen for repainted


boiz i might get the V1 plush :)

I made a title and more screens for repainted

this looks perfect, I NEED IT SO BAD, but i'm broke so i can't get it :(

boys i might just post ULTRAKILL memes or random images from my gameplay today lol

hey ur welcome @ThePinkGlitch anyways i'm gonna go offline byeee!

NEWS: local GoPro (V1) has been killed by the Sisyphus Prime army for Pirating ULTRAKILL (ignore my shitty build it was intentional)