Ik ik it has no sound
Characters used
Maddie (me)
Felix (my brother)
Simon (bestie)
Alex (bestie)
Caleb (bestie)
Rein (bestie)
Idfk I got bored (this actually happened irl) sadly
Ik ik it has no sound
Characters used
Maddie (me)
Felix (my brother)
Simon (bestie)
Alex (bestie)
Caleb (bestie)
Rein (bestie)
I love this game so much 😭
It was rumored that Penelope stood behind the axes so the suitors could shoot her if someone were to miss their shot.
I love Telemachus 😭
I love the mood swings there
I've watched this so many times why is it accurate?
Face reveal ig? I like how it came out tho :3
New obsession: Epic the musical.
"I'm telling my dad on you"
Y e s
The power of friendship they said.