Undertale: Reliable Lies (Fan-game)
3 years ago

If we can imagine game's content, we can divide into

- Prologue
- Section 1
- Interlude
- Section 2
- Section 3 (so-called "Phase" 1/2/3)
- Credits



Next up

How creators of recent call-out post expected us to react: "DAMN UNDERTALE COMMUNITY, THEY OVERPLAYED US. WE ARE TERRIBLY SORRY, WE WILL QUIT RIGHT NOW!" but...

So engine is GameMaker Studio. Btw Drendy began coding engine, but sprites will be remastered, since artist raised his skill and want to redone them. So uh, stay tuned anyway

First preview of our game! Real, no jokes!

Sorry, we were away for a little. We are not dead and no, we don't plan to give up on games. On opposite, we will post many things in few days. We were just busy to manage our english community. SORRY FOR THAT, PLEASE(((


Where have we been? // Underparty x Underevent Game Jam Results

he-he moment

Bro @apricoskaart , you literally posted a meme from Discord and then said "mocking post", bro. Then ur entire speech culture is mocking, what do you even mean by that, meme king. How about u mind your own games and don't peek in our server as a coward?

So that you don't fall asleep, we decided to share updated sprites by Apricoska. I will share some details about it.

Ars#9807 is now working on attack patterns. To say more, he has completed full 1 phase's patterns! Don't mind visual and engine, it's just testroom for following implementing into game.