2 years ago

"if we got gustos lore wiki then where is breadfaces?"
look there guys Read the Article

i will give you 4 reasons why i don't do breadface lore wikis
1: We
2: Don't
3: Do
4: Wikis
Thats all, go make it yourselfs instead of bothering gusto or me bout breadface wiki

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wip new fnatidudegaming version

Dummy's Nightshifts' At Dan's

Along with WIP

Happy Valentines Day guys, here's a image of my oc and my love's oc having a dinner

RIP Phokey

finally mid winter break now i can work on silent assassin train map i am making rn

Meet Cyan, from Cyan Oddities.

2015 monste

4 hours left

sorry for interactive

me counting the dramas

Happy Birthday meh