(🍟 Crazy Clowns! 🍔) Fun Times at Homer's 2 (FNaF2 Parody)
2 years ago

if you are getting a error message about non existing surfaces, then i am going to try to fix that issue soon, its basically caused by computers not running the game correctly rather then a real bug, not everyone will experience it. So dont worry about it

In more detail, meanwhile you may think its a coding problem, its a issue caused by the computer just not running the game right, so that is much harder to fix because not everyone will experience it.

I will try my best to fix this issue that has been with us since the original release. And if you have not got that error, then you are safe, only a few people has that issue, with makes it a little harder to fix.

Me myself never got that issue to happen, so i literally forgot about it lmao, but yea, for you people who experience this issue, i will hopefully patch it soon.




Next up

New FNaS World 3D characters reveal!

read log for information.


"Hi PS2ward!"

If you want me to draw a character for you, I just set up the prices for commissions!

The money I would get would be used to things such as paying bills.

If anyone's up for commissioning me, let me know!

the main image got updated to include only the main cast!

which now, yea the all characters images are split in 3 parts.

also shadow mario got a new render :)

Ok so as I said I would do, now the all chars image been split. Two categories got created which are scrapped characters, and the other being designs not made to be in the main series.

Wanted to made a little art to commemorate how ftah1 and ftah2 got 1k more followers, thanks for you all for supporting the series, its really fun to see the community get bigger with such cool people to hang out! :D

omg overdue reference?!

idk i felt like posting a random render, toasty is a silly creature to exist

Just to have something to post today, here is a behind the scenes art, a early sketch of the ending cutscene of FTaH3!


A new item on the menu is here, Gallery!

what gallery will bring is some basic info about the characters who are not used in any FNaS game, this way we can learn more about them!

One of the reasons I was worried about night mode would not work was because this one cam.

It contains a fairly lengthy gameplay footage in the arcade, and along everything else I was wondering if Game Maker would handle it all, guess it did, huh.