My admiration for such culture is so huge that I even add Christian references to any works I think it is fine to add such references. Not counting creations (e.g. artworks) used for my game series (it obviously has Christian motifs along with motifs from other mythologies that are typical in Touhou games and fangames), but seriously, even music remixes has references to Christianity. Like the Roses remix, I add the trumpet instrument so as to make it sounds "angelic", true to the normal interpretation of angels in Christianity; which is being depicted with trumpets (despite my true intention is to make reference to the ZUNpets), or my simplistic Kobito, Satori Maiden and Strawberry Crisis!! remixes, I made them using the harp, pipe organ, and celesta soundfonts so as to make them sound more heavenly. (Only G*d knows why I use the celesta soundfont)
Now any questions regarding why I add so much allusion to Christian motifs in my works have been solved. But note that I have no intention of defaming Christianity through my depiction of such motifs. I respect all religions, even though I'm an atheist who reject all established religious beliefs (despite I set up a "monotheistic" parody religion for worshipping just for fun).