3 years ago
If you don't remember these three demons, I feel sorry for you.
The sprite animations with these guys were my s**t back in the day.
Next up
Meet the jolliest bunch of people and creatures you’ll ever see in your life.
Anyways have a holly jolly holiday (and new years)!
Do I need to explain this?
I miss these guys.
Vs exe idle sprite remake because its a bit dated https://www.mediafire.com/file/n0acqr305fv64w7/EXEIDLEANIMPARTS.… Heres the parts incase you want to animate the idle!!!
My dub of The Entity's voicelines in the Valentines Day Special video!
Green mountain
"Who was that Pumpkin guy-- - - -"
Some mockups I made of Sonic.exe: Breath Of Life.
All sprites and assets belong to their respective owners.
I made this because I could.