2 years ago


wow this is actually the first real preleak fanart ive done that isnt a sprite.


took two hours, made it after SITS. had a cooler idea for like a poster sorta thing but i got lazy lol

go check out preleak its cool or something



Next up


i'm not that active here good heavens

anyway here have a dustswap headcanon design that came to me while listening to psychosis



* The echoes of the past resonate through your SOUL.

let me just open my menu OH WHAT THE-

Banquet the Starved Koopa King #STARVEDERA


have a cry for help into the art block abyss (i am cured!)

basic choice but yknow what i like how i varied their designs here. papyrus was a nightmare to clean up LMAO

strike out. | Underswap : Ritual of the Mist [OFFICIAL]

Outertale sans

no way