Skom is 12.
His green shirt is a gift from his father, (No Davesona assigned here yet. Sorry!)
Skom loves sweaters, but he prefers to wear his green shirt because he wants to always show his love to his father
Skom's favorite Fruit is Grapefruit
Skom is a very goofy and funny kid
His favorite movie is Despicable Me 2
His favorite Pizza consists of pinapple, mushrooms, and olives
His favorite Ice cream flavor is Mint Chocolate Chip
Skom is very sociable and can make friends easily but often gets made fun of due to his strange likings and interests
I was going to make Skom autistic but he is already way too similar to me to the point that if I made him autistic he would essentially be a self-insert
Skom's favorite color is green and the reason is because of the shirt his father gave him
Skom has a fish named Gup.
im out of ideas ughhhhhhhh this is so god dang hard