3 months ago

im dont gonna stop until i finish with ''roast''

idk how to call what i am doing

with that one bunch of characters of this series



i think i have a theory part 2

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Next up

apex predator with industrial also knowed as ''gone too far'' rewinded..

still without using slammer in moment

only if i had the chance of take back that account might would go and try delete it

proof that i absoluty (NOT) enjoy practicing in draw

What the fuck

never drawning a dyno for the rest of my life

''it wont end that well''

michael belongs to @Dynocation


Let's switch jobs between our old days Miss Circle and [definitely] mentally stable new one!

after of being forgotten

imagine if for some reason all of those ocs of mine ends in a weird crossover with dynocation thingy¿

"Circus" AU

(The created of AU: Ash_Espoir)

had to redo leashed brutality

yet im not proud of the result