
Yeah,im proof of that. Idk whos who on my both my parents side bc everyoneee hates each other and dont wanna talk to each other. The only ones who talks to us is only 1 uncle and his wife and he doesnt have kids.

My mom likes to spy on her one sibling and she said they her sister has like 3-4 kids and my siblings dont even know them.

You guys out there who DOES know your cousins, and aunts and uncles and grandparents are so lucky imo, bc i dream of that, but sadly i wont bc no one can get along. 😒😭



Next up

*crying* Crown people makes me nervous bc clearly they're better at the game then i am

Omg. My teachers are loud as shit. I need to finish the show bc i only have a few episodes left. Guess ill watch it this weekened or after school if im in the mood or if i dont forget.

Uhm,Ik some people are sensitive to certain things and i wanna make sure. If u guys do play this chat would u want this kept in,or out?

electra heart kinsona

comm for @drretro / @filthydirteater

If ur having trouble w/ finding birthday cakes and ballons,then u can go there. You can find 3 cakes and one ballon.

Throws this at you

If i were to get a skin of a Youtuber from fortnite i'd get this one. Theres also another one i like that has fruit around her. Fruit themed,idk but i like her aswell

I like this photo but i dont like the random dots,or whatever their called thats coming out of his head =|. AAAAHHHH

shavo but he's hatsune miku

Me when i realize its sunday: