Chibi Yandere
5 years ago

Implementing Events and Quests

Hi everyone,

It's been a long time since I didn't post something out there. I want to share my ideas to make Chibi Yandere Edition more unique than other RPG MAKER fan games.

The game will have recurrent events that occur once a week and will have positive or negative effects on the player. Those events are as follow:

  • Student council candidacy (First week), this will allow the player to put his candidacy and know his rivals for the student council elections.

  • Student council elections (Second week), this is the current elections the player will be able to become student council and access to strong benefits in the long run. We were thinking to allow the player to cheats on those elections in the future. (Like Auntie Hillary during primaries :P)

  • Class photo (Third week), this event will have mostly a negative impact: missing students during this event will reduces school atmosphere.

  • Party (Fourth week), this event will be organized outside of the school and the player will interact and improve relationships but with a risk to getting too drunk and out of control.

  • Cross (Fifth week), who is the fasted and most endurant at school? Check if you can earn the big prize during this event.

  • Medical exam (Sixth week), having a bad health could get you in big trouble, this is also an opportunity to check the current rival.

  • Teachers parents meeting (Seventh week), the teachers will meet your parents, you need to find them so the school will not notice you as one of those weirdos...

  • Science fair (Eight week), the exposcience will allow you to team up with one of your classmate to compete and gain a huge prize. The quality will depend on your current statistics.

  • Festival (Ninth week), the festival is a key event because it will allow you to get closer from your Senpai and gain trust from him

  • Report card (Last week), this is the final step before victory, this will recap all the thing you've done at school during those ten weeks!

I'm sure those will create more enjoyment in the game.

I will also add in the future more events in the town and I will mostly change the structure of students.

Thank you for reading, I'm looking forward to announce new stuff!




Next up

How to make Chibi Yandere Complete Edition work in Linux distributions ? Also some announce about ending support for specific supports.

New web site and Contest to earn a free t-shirt!

Who's da best? A little recap that compare every students for specific events in Chibi Yandere Complete Edition.

Hazu... you're such a pervert!

Version 0.6.5 is out now.

Ding Dong Ding Dong! A new update (0.7.1) and upcoming changes for the fan game!

How to catch a cheater!

New update of Chibi Yandere 0.6.3


Congratulations to the winner Nicolas!

Happy holidays to everyone!

Object function is out and information about the 0.7.0 update.

Inventory system is returning

Future update with full objects supported!