POPGOES 2: The Dead Forest (REVIVAL) Tech Demo
2 years ago

Important News (Please Read)

Hey guys. Something happened within the team, which cause three of our members to leave the project. Those three members were very important, so the development for this project will be slowed by a lot. Though, it was partially my fault for their decision to leave, so I'm going to say I'm sorry. I let myself get out of control, and I made a mistake. Said stuff I wouldn't normally say. If you three are reading this (you know who you are), I don't expect to be forgiven, or for you to just join back in the team. I just want you to know that I have taken what you've said to heart, and I will be trying to better myself from it. I know I haven't been the best leader recently, so I want to fix that. I want to improve that. So, for everyone else reading this, while POPGOES 2 isn't cancelled, its progress will be slowed quite a bit, especially with school starting. Because of this, the Weekly Updates will only happen if something has actually been done that week. Again, I really apologize for this, especially since I had something to do with it. I'll see you guys in the next post.

Exo, signing off.



Next up


Dang, 200 followers.

New Teaser!


A guide on how to place Charged Stickers and get POPGOES stickers on Game Jolt!


Cam 3 reveal + Kane Carter's birthday

New Game! (Still a WIP tho)


Lux Popgoes: Soon

Heartless Popgoes: Playing popoges evergreen

Hey Kane. This was revealed for POPGOES Reprinted, but I don't actually think this was ever explained. Could you possibly shed some light on when, where, and how this was going to be used?