Five Nights At Sonic's Maniac Mania: Multiply
7 months ago

Important Notice "Nothing too bad"

Hey Everyone Salvage here.

So from what you're guessing this may go onto certain grounds but here's what i'll say.

from @shadedAkumu they have requested to not make any mods/remakes/whatever comes across Smiler's projects.


I do agree with this and I've wondered about how the state of Multiply will play out as strangely enough this mod was in devlopement even before Smiler's cancellation.

Now I don't want people to think that "Oh because it was being made before that it's okay to keep it and call it a after smiler cancelled thingy. No. As clear as I can get i respect Shaded's words.

Am I gonna cancel it? No.

However I will remove all the stuff that was created by smiler before it releases this removing everything he has made being the tutorial sprites, Mask, Achievement and name in the credits.

I want to respect Cyan & Shaded's wishes as the best I can.

Now for characters like Phantom Ian, I don't know if they'll stay or be replaced with something original to the mod as a whole.

This is a one time mod that'll be updated over time depending how on development goes.

If we are able to keep Phantom Ian. He'll Stay.

If we're able to keep the mod afloat. Then the mod will stay.

I just wanted to make it clear that Multiply isn't going anywhere but it won't be the greatest mod you'll see out there.

The team are doing their greatest as i've seen from it and I wanna make sure their work doesn't go without noticed.

So thank you for your time, Goodbye!

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Next up

Expect a new post this friday.

The Adventure Continues

Little do they know I don't care for FNaS lol

Pack 2 Coming sometime this month I promise

Important Notice.

"About a certain Smiling person"

Returning to an old RPG project from a while ago

I should make it clear that this will be my only FNaS project. Anything after this wont be FNaS related

Time to Mario