A Science's Failure 2 - The Final Patch
2 years ago


Updates and General Comments

  • Why a second game?

(Game's community:

(Science's Failure 2's page:

This might've come out as a surprise for most, since i've always made it explicit that a sequel most likely wouldn't be happening, so why is that a thing now??

The answer is short and simple: You.

Along the years i've witnessed Science's Failure, a project i used as a escaping tool from depression, grow in such a way that still gets me speechless, and watching YouTubers playing it, such as TheOrangeMatt and O.W.C.P, has further motivated me to get this project going until the last chapter.


Surely those who accompanied the development found themselves caught over and over in a endless cycle of delays and long waiting periods for the next chapters, and in that period is when i've been mentally healing myself, slowly but surely getting rid of this weightful depression, in which i managed to do so.

Now, with me feeling renewed, i no longer found use of continuing the project, but my developer instincts said louder, and i decided to go head on, and deliver a finished project as a respect for all of the fans of it!

Jumping few months in the future, after a quick revisit on the novel, i've noticed that Mairusu, a famous YouTuber, probably mostly known for his FNaF fangame "Five Nights in Anime's", has recorded a entire series about it! (I literally screamed in my couch with a pillow on my face for few minutes) And i'm still 'til this day hesitant to watch it.


Do you have any idea how does it feel for someone to watch their very old projects, having poor english and stupid meme jokes?! I'd literally melt, but eventually i should watch it, it's Mairusu after all!

Finishing this section, you is what made this project happen, and even if it doesn't do quite well as the first, i'll still be pleasured to give you all a much better experience, putting into practice all the knowledge i've acquired along the years.

  • What is planned?

I'll try to make this quick, just so you don't spend 3 hours reading and reading >w<

The major change is the game's engine, which instead of Novelty, will be running in Ren'py! Nooww, here comes the little wallbrick...

I do not have knowledge about programing in Python.


I've been studying a very complex and detailed course, all dedicated to Python, that means that i've already been getting down to business! (And i do have programing experiences, so it'll be relatively quick and easy for me to learn.)

Needless to say, the development WILL take a long time, as more than just programing will be a time consuming factor.

But in other news, i plan for the game to be FULLY released, as in, no 1 chapter per month, but the whole thing at it's initial release! Hooray! And the rest planned you can read on the game's page!

  • Last Comments

Again, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT! As a game developer, it means the WORLD to me, that further motivates me to give the best of me for you all!

And for those who didn't notice, i also announced a sequel for my other game, "One Night at Mr. Snickers", but does that mean it'll slow down the novel's progress? Absolutely not!

I do have a wide concept for both games on my mind, and since both are using different engines, i can manage my time for both just fine, so don't worry about it!

Still, don't 100% rely on that, Science's Failure 2 might suffer a slight delay in the future due to Snickers 2, and vice-versa.

As a last statement, please, share Science's Failure 2 for as much people as you can! Let them know that the science must go on!



Next up

Heh, yeah, "development has finally started", and now we have another 4 whole months without news nor teasers

Watch the funny video!

Oh no, Snickers has reached the 3D dimention

Game name reveal + few updates to the page description

Pinned video post! Spare yourself 3 minutes to know a bit more about me! ----------/-----/---------- Brando & George art by @Pake_Official

Examine the red void, you might find something.

No more Mr. nice guy, blast up your way for Sgt. Frickt! Don't wanna keep yall waiting for another whole month, so here's another re-design! Hopefully this is the last one before the next teaser.

Forever my beloved #Pokeversary

Since things are going a bit slow, decided to practice programing a bit, so for the memes, here's some small Animator's Hell stuff! (Jumpscare at the end)

Sorry for no updates! A characters re-design teaser is on the works. For now, here's the new design for Neptonia - the Waterwoman!