Epic, Justin, Me, etc. are talking inside of a VC inside the GameJolt Story Mode discord server, talking about the topics called: Pedophilia, and weird artists around the world ruining stuff.
What we are saying is weird people are trying to ruin me and my friends stuff.
Justin explained, that he would be pissed and cancel his mod from people drawing FETISH. It is fucking weird, and i don't want people pissing off Justin. He was my friend, and i dont want him like that.
Epic explained, about the Artymilk drama. If you don't know who he is, he is a fucking pyschopath, groomed a 10 year old girl, stole models, wanting to murder someone, told someone's brother to fucking kill themselves and the brother went to the hospital, FUCKING REDACTED.
Willy, by the way, explained about pedophiles and artists, ruining the internet. With those people, he said that they will make fetish, groom your ass, tell you to take a pic, shit whatever.
This is a serious post. Keep this post safe, spread this around, stay safe.
Thank you.