[3d] Nuclear Sunset (Android)

9 years ago

Improved AI of monsters\animals

Improved AI of animals. Now, they do not always attaked player and had peaceful behaviour. But if player attaked animal, he fight back.



Next up

Nuclear Sunset 2 - mobile post apocalyptic shooter. This is the abandoned construction site, which is placed in the "City" location.

Touch contolling Making controlling for sensor-screens.

Nuclear Sunset 2 - post apocalyptic shooter for mobile under developing. This is bison npc with eating animation in the forest location.

Nuclear Sunset 2 - Model of boar

Swamp The action takes place in five locations. One of them - the swamp. This is the home of enemy community.

Game strory completed! Completed work on realisation game story. Left testing, debugging, and work on other gameplay. This means that game will release in June.

Nuclear Sunset 2 - Destroyed Plant in the city.

Nuclear Sunset 2 - the model of the scooter, which will be crafted by the player. You can watch the video of riding on the discord channel.

Agility and Accuracy If you prefer use melee weapon, you should improve “Agility” parameter. It increases speed of your blows. And, if you improve “Accuracy”, bow, crossbow etc will have less scatter.

Nuclear Sunset 2 will have crafts system. On this screenshot you can see some tools and components, which are needed to craft all terrains motorbike.