SonicTheHedgehog : The Call Of The Emerald
4 days ago

Improvement guys.......




Next up

Alrighty so, the demo will take kinda long to release since I'm planning to add a lot in it.

Sooo except it to release in beggening or middle of july.

Last leak of the day.

Since tomorow is eid, I will work on the game for a very short time.

I also will be active for a short time so yeah.

Anyways cya guys!!

Heya guys!! So as you can see, the game page is now published!

This means that now, I'll post the leaks here.

I'll also upload some images as leaks in the gamepage.

That's all for now, cya guys!

Last teaser of the game.

The corrupted temple isnt that far anymore, you'll just need to pass that one path in majin forest to get it but...

Everything won't happen as what Tails, Knucles and Amy wanted.....

Little leak.

Yep that's a cutscene, but there's still a week or two remaining for the ritual to start.

Wait, a ritual? What ritual?

Hehe, you'll discover more with the leaks coming....


(theory of everything 2)

lets complete these quests (except july shit)

Some news.

Leaking the chasing level.

You'll have to chase eggman in this level but you'll fail no matter what.

Idk what to say anymore since that's pretty much all,

See you guys.