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its 12 but i gotta keep that video grind going. im gonna work hard on a 30 second video starting now. (ikr, thats literally long as hell)

(ps, its not gonna be as time consuming and boring as my last video)

Messages from the stars

random header update (hero got cut out and i cant fix that rn 😭)

edit: i might remake the entire thing we will see how my motivation treats me

edit 2: i somewhat fixed it

my phoen actually wants me to commit. ibis crashed 4 times while making this. it took an hour.

my biggest enemy is my motivation loss

sorry for no posts i have like almost no motivation

( @CORAL_GRIMES ima post this on yt and sendu the link. can u send the link to fay??)

quick doodle

screw "okok or lala". what one are you?????