6 days ago

In case anyone was wondering about that teaser video I said I was going to release back in September 2023:

A while back, I said I was going to release a special teaser video and publish the game page for Keys to Eclipse "soon". It's been nine months since then and I have done neither of those things. The game page has been done for a while but I've decided to hold off on publishing it until the game was closer to completion. Well... I'm now in the last few weeks of development and I'll be making the page public either today or tomorrow. The full game will be coming out sometime in July.

The teaser video, however, is not going to be released the way I originally intended. I finished the video and uploaded it to YouTube, but I currently have it unlisted and intend to keep it that way. The video is not a normal trailer for the game, but more like a sort of prologue that gives a bit more context for the game's story. It involves a conversation between two characters on a fictional social media platform. It made more sense to make the video an easter egg in the game than to publish it for everyone to see. So if you want to see the video, you're going to have to wait until the game is out and find the hidden link to it within (it's REALLY easy to find). Additionally, with the game getting really close to release, it feels a bit excessive to release the teaser as well as the trailer that I plan to make within the same month.

Also, there was already a teaser trailer two years ago, released in June 2022. I took it down last year due to it being rushed and very cringey (it's also pretty outdated and doesn't reflect what the game is now) I might also hide a link to this video within the game for shits and giggles, so look out for that too if you're really interested.



Next up

"It ends with us on the moon"

It's been a pretty productive week for me as I got a lot of stuff done for the new game, so I thought I would post a couple more teaser images. Expect the game page to be published very soon!



This is the last song I'm releasing from the Keys to Eclipse soundtrack until the full game is released in July (WARNING: This one may contain some weird ass lore)

Each screenshot is a playable level

out of context

The game page for Keys to Eclipse is back up! Go check it out if you're interested!


I'm releasing some more music in a few hours, but under a different alias:

"DDR3 RAM - Anomalies"

16 tracks worth of crazy dying computer sounds!


Everyone except you is vibing

Sorry, it's that time again...


Get ready to BLEAT!