Five Nights At Clone Nick's: Ultimate Chaos!
3 years ago

In hiatus because jyro was banned from bullying and harrasment. One of my friends says they need a replacer for scratch development. Its almost done, SO dont worry! We just need a replacement, who will take it? if you want, ping me and say ill be the dev.

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(SORRY I DIDNT POST THIS BEFORE) Yes guys, its true. I have been tested postive for covid. So it's been so long and ive bee. Retested a lot and it still says positive. Hopefully, it will say negative. So god bless me and my survival. #SaveNickFromCovid19

Thanks to my Girlfriend: @Kseniya_chan for this fanart!! 💗❤💞😊😄

@Kseniya_chan Is now My GF! (AKA: Girlfriend!) 😊

I'm a stickman lol

I guess me and kseniya are starting a new ship called nick x kseniya! Also, thanks to my pall: clone Ryan for these two!

(For me and my GF: @Kseniya_chan )

(Thx clone ryan! @witheredtoyryanthehedgehog )

NICE, @Abramthegamer3 Is in The fray in the game!

(CREDITS TO @RickyWackyBoi

Bruh, I'm amongus. And now a cat. Who could've noticed. 😒

Ryan told me that he made a special one for me and kseniya, so thanks Ryan! Also get ready to make some nick x kseniya fanarts if y'all want! @Kseniya_chan

Credits to clone Ryan: @witheredtoyryanthehedgehog