3 years ago

in other words i really didnt want to begin working on this game yet in the first place and then a backdrop i had been working all day was delleted and i was pretty happy with it and scratch was jiust beign dumb hahahha and idt died aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa



Next up

beaver and uhhh

i wish i were like Jimmy Neuter

i think thesefases look simalr downt you

The official Get Me Outta Here series trailer!

what the hell ☹️

ey, spider here. i'm planning on remastering Get me outta here cuz it kinda sucks. it needs a lot of improvement and im remastering it. help wanted!

also puyo puyo cake

my opinion on vimm.net getting boned

goober grape

just got cannonless clip first try #pogger
