Five Nights at Sonic's: Greenlit

7 months ago

In response to feedback, I have decided to adjust GCT's design (specifically his pants). Hope this is better!

now stop calling him "thick tails" or else i'll watch yo tone



Next up

Hey guys, I adjusted Clone Tails' design one last time...and Clone Knuckles?!

FNaS Greenlit Devlog - 03/21/2024 (4th Anniversary!)

Happy 4 years of the Greenlit AU! Look at how far (most of) the crew has come...

1 day until the AU's 4th anniversary and its accompanying devlog!

Only a few days left until the next devlog!

New aesthetic. Deal with it.

Just a normal screenshot

Something serious this time: a boundary or two

1 week (until new devlog)

For a little throwback, here is the TRUE origin of the Greenlit AU!