2 years ago

In there is the annoucements



Next up

#Goretober day 4 (Late sorry) :Burned


Yes that's Mor 💀

//TW:Cuts Bl00d///

#Goretober day 2:Slit throat

Also that's Paulo Ribeiro my mascot oc of the expo 2035 un Sao Paulo Brazil (Fake Sorry)

Rediseño de mi sona omaiga-

O sea hice qué mi sona tuviera un parecido conmigo irl como el pelo el color de ojos y lentes

Me x Greninja edit in capcut!!

#Goretober day 5:Shot

//TW:Bl00d shots//

Yes that's Badagadis 💀

I was borring so I Draw this based on a scene from the song "The backson" from Winnie the Pooh

We can roleplay based on the song if you want

Here's the link if you wanna know


//TW:Starvation bl00d(?) //

#Goretober day 3:Starved

Also that's Streamingston or Streami an 14 years old red billed strramertail bird with one wing and the mascot of the commonwealth games Kingston 20xx

//TW:Pink bl00d guts//

#Goretober day 1 (Late sorry) :Disemboweled

Also that's Han Mugbeo is my mascot oc she is an 20 years old flower who is the mascot of the universiade in somewhere in south korea

For Braixen x Greninja fans! Those two are more than pals....


Finally Greninja's htf reboot dessing!

2023 || 2024