2 months ago

Incoming Drag and Sci-Jewel Announcement

Incoming Drag Announcement

Important info regarding a potential public Pre-Beta build for Drag will be announced within the next month or so. The build info was originally going to be announced later this week, but it was delayed due to necessary game elements and levels being unfinished.

Incoming Sci-Jewel Music Reveal

The soundtrack for Sci-Jewel will be getting another reveal taking place within the next few weeks. The reveal will mostly highlight new revisions made to the modes and would finally have a reveal for Discovery Mode.



Next up

Part Two of the Sci-Jewel Media Dump

Would you play a game of cards if the deck looked like this?

Sci-Jewel Media Dump Incoming!

IndieDB authorized Sci-Jewel's game page on their site! This is an important step in gaining some traction and spreading more awareness of the game.

The game page also acts as an info archive, so you should definitely check it out!


Help Wanted!

2024 Roadmap...well, some of it.

The whole thing will be gradually revealed throughout the entire year, so make sure you keep tabs on this.

PSA: The Sci-Jewel thread in Bejeweled 3's forums on Steam have been locked.

New Logo Revision

Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore

What do you think guys in my robot?Just a beginner in 3d modeling..

My instagram https://www.instagram.com/rojhonbb/