...- .. ... .. --- -. ...
2 years ago

Info for the release of the Windows update(s) for Classic FNaTI (and the rest)

Hey everyone, just some info on the side here since I said the update would release a week or so ago.

The general gist of how I will approach these updates is as follows:

Android Port is released -> We (mostly Desko) squash bugs people encounter -> We release those updates for mobile -> once they're all squashed, -> Release Windows Update with (hopefully) no bugs.

The main reason it isn't out yet is because Desko has the most up-to-date source file of the game right now, so I have to wait for him to release the Final android update, then I can start porting it to Windows. Doing it some other way would add unecessary steps in this whole endeavor.

Thank you for your patience.




Next up

if we hit 2k before the end of may i will do somethin special

two specials actually

lookin at both the fnati and fnaw fans

Uh, summa-lumma, dooma-lumma, you assumin' I'm a human What I gotta do to get it through to you? I'm superhuman I'm innovative and I'm made of rubber so that anythin' You say is ricochetin' off of me

- rap god

fnaw 2 1.0 development was hell

i hate this game and everything it stands for

anyway its coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

It‘s quiet.

"fnaw is coming to iPhone"

why though

i cant believe it

this is huge

daytime quest daytime quest daytime quest daytime quest daytime quest daytime quest daytime quest daytime quest daytime quest daytime quest daytime quest daytime quest daytime quest daytime quest daytime quest daytime quest daytime quest daytime quest

reminder to never do these.

credit: @FateForWindows
