2 years ago

ING: ¿Do you like RPG or Tycoon more?

ESP: ¿Te gustan más los RPG o Tycoon?

  77 votes Voting finished



Next up

ING: The project is not dead. It's better than ever: F.G

ESP: El proyecto no esta muerto. Esta mejor que nunca: F.G

Funny Memories..

ESP: Felices Memorias..

ESP: Correcto, Fnac Plus es el proyecto en el que estamos trabajando muy duro, y os aseguro que sera una gran experiencia

ING: Correct, Fnac Plus is the project we are working very hard on, and I assure you it will be a great experience.

Every shadow is a caution.

The virus returns.

ESP: El virus vuelve..

It might finally be time to give you a purpose, Chum Charlie...

Too bad chompers was cancelled, it really had great potential. But his own creator killed him.


Ready for the show?

ESP: Preparado para el show?

The Fazbear Facility: Prologue Q&A

More information & clearing misconceptions

And keep waiting for your turn...

ESP: Y a seguir esperando para tu turno....