2 months ago

Ink sans and Error sans paper cranes!

First 3 are ink, second 3 are error

Why am I getting followed by so many small creators? I’m not against it, but I’m just kinda curious

I only post memes (rarely) or vents, iont get how they be following me

Eh they might just be following people to gain popularity

Which I respect

I have probably over 2k following so I bet at least 1/8 of my followers are from doing that

Sorry for bothering u, have a good day!!!

1 comment


Next up

Barry 1.1

Happi famili

I’m back bitches

Smooches u

Lost two followers

“Oh no I lost two followers I’m quitting sobs” fuck you I don’t mind losing followers

Fo all I know they might’ve gotten banned

I’m not gonna make a big deal about it <3 anygays byebye

Hi my name is some random oak tree, aka mrs someone’s only son 🥰🥰

Almost 800 followers... I’m not celebrating, moving is too stressful

Aw tysm for the 800 tho <3 I might not post as often cuz I’m really stressed out atm

Love y’all <3


Yes I still post here

I just


Died for a while

Take this meme my child

Have a good day

Move with haste bitches

Repost quickly