4 years ago


I've recently discovered a new AU but the problem is....


Either its Error Erasing AU's again or it was purposely made empty...

well wanna check it out with me???

YES (read Article) or NO (leave this post)

Your in????

wow thats fast... well lets go

*you enter the portal*

*you see nothing but white*

Ink sans: so it rlly is empty? WELL NOT FOR LONG!
*you stare at Inks sans as he grabs his paint brush and paints the floor...pink?*

Ink Sans: hey you guys why don't you help me out?

*suddenly a black figure apears from far but you don't know who it is*

Ink Sans: someones here... stay behind me

*Inks sans stands in front of you with his paintbrush looking ready to battle*

???: ⬥︎♒︎□︎ ♍︎□︎❍︎♏︎⬧︎ ♒︎♏︎❒︎♏︎✍︎

*your confused*

Ink sans: ????

???: ### ##### #####

who comes here?

*the figure reveals to be a strange skeleton with cracks on his eyes*

Ink Sans: Oh hi there Gaster from this AU

Gaster: how do you know my name?

Ink sans: uhh.... heh hehe...just a hunch?

*you stare at the Gaster looking confused*

Ink sans: so whats this AU called???

Gaster: well since this is posted here why don't we call it GAMEJOLTERTALE?

Ink Sans: wow thats an epic name!! but what happened to it?

Gaster: well lets just say that this AU needs a bit of creativity then the others

Ink sans: EXACTLY!!!

Gaster: well i mean the humans must do the creativity themselves

Ink sans: oh...ok....not like i...wanted to paint the whole place...blue or..something.. *sulks in the corner*

Gaster: well ok...?

Humans we need you to make this AU flurish with mosters and humans and recreate the story UNDERTALE again!

*you nod nod in agreement and thumbs up Gaster*

Gaster: very well lets start of with the number of you all

Ink sans: yeah isn't there suposed to be one human that you get to rp with??

Gaster: yes

Ink sans: then how are they gonna rp as a thousand people rummaging through the whole snowdin town??

Gaster: well i've created a machine that can link souls together into one human body so all of them get to team up and decide there paths

Ink sans:...

Ink sans: oh....

Gaster:here is the Plan:

  • we'll have to create the characters of this AU that match to the theme GAMEJOLT

  • pacifist route will start first the Genocide

  • No swearing or bad comments or bullying ( Ink sans: team work makes the dream work!! wait...dream work...Dream sans...LOL)

  • keeps this PG folks ( Ink sans: no doing what Lust sans does...pls)

  • finish one chapter at a time ( do the avaliable chapters. or you just cant read)

  • Voice characters needed!!! so sign up at the signing post!!

  • when doing the rp comments it starts off like this

    Narrarator (me): * sans gives you a bottle of ketchup for your fries*

    person 1: *you take it and stare at sans like you've never seen a living skeleton before(

    Narrarator: * the bottle cap falls and all the ketchup spills on your fries*

    person 2: * you get so angry that you dunk ketchup all over sans * MY FRIES YOU BRAINLESS BONES!!!

    Ink sans: wow you have random mixed emotions... LIKE ME!

    ( also if i dont respond then i guess you have to wait for me to respond....mainly cause of lazy/ school/ parents/ others)

  • the limit of doing a rp is three comments so pls dont break it or you'll let the whole team down and the whole AU down as well ( ink sans: pls humans im begging you)

  • feel free to either make some themes for each character ( eg. Gamegalovania.... that name came out of the top of my head

    Ink sans: its sounds good. your really creative

    Me: why thank you Ink)

  • Other things like characters, music and Voice acting can be put in here at #GAMEJOLTERTALE

  • Lastly i would like to tell you all this would be put into a comic made by yours truly....ME!!

Gaster: well that's long...

*Ink still sits by the corner scribbling stuff on his notepad looking depressed*

Gaster: you ready to create this AU and see how it'll work??

*you nod*

Ink Sans: WAIT!! before you go...

*Ink sans stands up and walks over to you*

Ink sans: you might be needing these just in case

*Ink sans gives you 5 hotdogs from UNDERFELL and hugs you*

Ink Sans: stay safe and if you need me don't hesitate to ask my friend Lil Rascal ok?

*you nod and stuff the hotdogs in your pocket*

Ink sans: good... welp i'll leave you to at it...got some AU's to look after

*Ink Sans desolves into a puddle of Ink and disapears into to floor*

Gaster: well lets get to it then

What chapter would you like to do?



Next up

Hey guys what's up!! Yeah it's me! It's been like AGES since I last posted here! Ok Quick context: School! Anyways I was thinking, I have heaps of time before I'm busy again so I want to post some art here heheh! Glad to be back here!

A small Sir Pentious drawing I did cause he's my fav character (Beside Husker) And his design is might fun to draw!

I'm questioning if I should go back to being online here and posting stuff because I haven't drawn alot and in so unmotivated TvT

Any advice? (I think I really need to know how to stay online here and im terrible at making good content to stay active lol)

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

I did this trend on tik tok hehehe


I forgot to show some art here but I thought it would be cool to give my oc Tk Nova an alternate design for her. She looks so pretty ilhsm and also her personality is more introverted and shy (basically reversed)


Help I spent 2 days doing Artfight Refs and shit! Idk why I decided to join artfight but it's really late lol

Anyways here are the choosen victims for Artfight Can't wait to see all the attacks and I'll try to attack ya'll back hehe!

TS!Underswap - Soup'd Up

For the Bungou stray dogs fans I drew Chuuya and Dazai the Soukoku pair in my new chibi artstyle and I love it sm!!