Fixed several game-breaking bugs (again), along with several softlocks and hardlocks
Changed the way several characters play, to allow for something more fun and diversive
Enemies that were supposed to be challenging are now, in fact, challenging
New fun enemies added
Game size drastically reduced with removal of unused files
Several landscapes have been improved to look more visually pleasing
Added several skills, changed some weapon animations, improved other abilities for several characters
Fixed several typos
Added fun secrets :)
Hello everyone!
After 8 years of not being able to leave this game alone, I can finally be at peace and bring the LAST update for this game. Hopefully ever.
"Bonzi World" was a joke project I started all the way back in 2014 simply because I wanted to learn how to make a game. It was not easy.
All the first releases were unplayable and simply way too stupid to ever be online. But now I can safely say, this game is okay.
Even with all these dumb things, I always somehow had fun developing for this game, it's a fun niche project that I can finally lay to rest.
The inspiration was (obviously) from Vinesauce Joel and his plethora of windows destructions streams, along with his very own game, BBQ Quest (that has a complete version from yours truly!). The interest was so much that I just HAD to try and make my very own game with my favourite gorilla, Bonzi Buddy. I'm yet to wonder where this fascination with him came from.
Anyway, the usual, life goes on and I have to let go of things, this game is no different.
Eventually I will try and stream this game for the last time somewhere in the future.
With all that, thank you all and have fun!
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